We want to ensure harassment-free climates in schools and workplaces, and we want to protect the rights of people with disabilities. What happens when these imperatives collide? Originally published in The Nation. IN JANUARY 2020, DUTCHESS COMMUNITY COLLEGE in New York banned a photography professor named Lowell Handler from its property and declared him unqualified […]
A Hierarchy of Needs
Click here for “A Hierarchy of Needs,” Carolina Alumni Review, September-October 2020 issue. Opens as a PDF.
A Woman Not of Her Time
Please click here to be directed to the PDF of “A Woman Not of Her Time,” Carolina Alumni Review, March-April 2020 issue.
Making a Marriage Work
Please click here to be directed to the PDF of “Making a Marriage Work,” Carolina Alumni Review, January-February 2019 issue.
By Whose Authority?
Click here for “By Whose Authority?”, Carolina Alumni Review,” March-April 2018 issue. Opens as a PDF.
Why Southern Schools Are Talking Secession
Citing inefficiencies, North Carolina is considering breaking up its countywide school districts. Critics see this as opening the door to resegregation. Originally published in CityLab. WHEN I MOVED TO DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA, in the mid-1980s, the county had two separate school systems. At its center, like a bulls-eye, was the city system, which was overwhelmingly […]
Click here for “Shutdown,” Carolina Alumni Review, January-February 2018 issue. Opens as a PDF.
Citizens of Carolina
Click here for “Citizens of Carolina,” Carolina Alumni Review, September-October 2017 issue. Opens as a PDF.
Timelessness on His Hands
Click here for “Timelessness on His Hands,” Carolina Alumni Review,” July-August 2017 issue. Opens as a PDF.
His Own MAN
By challenging traditional ideas around academia, Mark Anthony Neal has broadened what it means to be a scholar. Originally published in Duke Magazine. Click. A video of R&B musician Jill Scott fills the screen. She’s belting out “Strange Fruit,” a ballad written in the 1930s to protest the lynchings—hangings and other mob violence—that were terrorizing African-American […]