After last year’s passage of legislation restricting medical treatment for transgender youth, North Carolina families seeking care for their children are looking across state lines. Original published in Harvard Public Health and The Assembly. Photos by Matt Ramey. NORTH CAROLINA’S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEBATED for only four minutes before casting a final vote to restrict […]
A Woman Not of Her Time
Please click here to be directed to the PDF of “A Woman Not of Her Time,” Carolina Alumni Review, March-April 2020 issue.
The Quest for an AIDS Vaccine
Please click here to be directed to the PDF of “The Quest for an AIDS Vaccine,” Duke Magazine, Winter 2019-2020 issue.
The Healer
Please click here to be directed to the PDF of “The Healer,” Carolina Alumni Review, September/October 2019.
Out of the Paper Cage
Twenty years ago, Ray Warren—Republican judge, former state legislator, suburban dad—called a pair of press conferences to announce he was gay. In North Carolina, it was a political watershed. Originally published in Charlotte Magazine. RAY WARREN SAT IN THE LIVING ROOM chair and cracked open his laptop. Weeknights were lonely in Flat Rock, in that […]
Inside Out
A Duke University clinic helps transgender youth transition to new identities. Originally published in Duke Magazine. Photos by Alex Boerner. ATOM EDWARDS IS A HIGH-SCHOOL JUNIOR who carries himself with a confidence that not all his peers possess. The youngest of four siblings, he has a lanky frame and a hi-top fade that lightens at […]
Born Before Stonewall
This month marks the 48th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, a defining moment in the struggle for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender equality. LGBTQ Americans still face isolation and discrimination. But we in the Baby Boom are also helping redefine what it means to grow older. Originally published in Medium. There are days when I […]
N.C. on the Brink: Repeal of Anti-Trans Bill Falls Flat
At ground zero in the fight over LGBTQ rights, a special legislative session to repeal the state’s House Bill 2 devolved into name-calling and hostile stalemate. Originally published in The American Prospect. DURING THE LONGEST NIGHT of the year—after what had felt like the longest day—North Carolina Governor-elect Roy Cooper walked into a Raleigh news conference […]
Democrats Make Gains in North Carolina Against Backdrop of Voter Suppression
Changing demographics, combined with the three-year effort by state Republicans to suppress minority and youth turnout, led to close races. Originally published in The American Prospect. BY 12:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY, THE RALEIGH where North Carolina Democrats had earlier been whooping in anticipation of a presidential victory had nearly emptied out. Stragglers were sitting on the […]
Equality Becomes a Talking Point in North Carolina Gubernatorial Race
With the state’s demographics and political makeup shifting, backlash against anti-LGBT law may help send Democrat Roy Cooper to the governor’s office. Originally published in The American Prospect. IAN PALMQUIST WAS RUNNING ERRANDS last Tuesday when the North Carolina gubernatorial debate came on the air. As the 39-year-old gay activist drove around Raleigh, listening to his […]
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